Past Exhibits

View work previously exhibited at William King Museum of Art, a retrospective of past shows and galleries.

Citizens & Soldiers
A Painting Tradition
Tennessee Fancy: Decorative Arts of Northeast Tennessee 1780 – 1940
Tangible: Where Art and Technology Converge
Soma and Psyche: Paintings by Charles T. Jones
Looking Back Exhibition at William King Museum of Art
Looking Back
Head Over Heels Exhibition at William King Museum of Art
Head Over Heels
100 Days of Flowers: The Art of Debbie Griffin
Continuing the Tradition: Washington County Ceramics in the 20th Century
The Soul Within: “They Draw Me In, I Draw Them Out” The Work of Lynn Earnest
Animal Instinct: The Drawings of Adonna Khare
100 Days of Flowers: The Art of Debbie Griffin
Continuing the Tradition: Washington County Ceramics in the 20th Century
The Soul Within: “They Draw Me In, I Draw Them Out” The Work of Lynn Earnest
Animal Instinct: The Drawings of Adonna Khare